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Best Hijrah Quotes For Moslem Caption and Status

What is hijrah? It seems that there are a lot of hijrah terms that are conveyed on social media, news and sayings of the ustadz and dai. Hijrah is indeed synonymous with Muslims, who feel a new atmosphere in their spiritual lives. On this occasion, Iweblogsite will give you some examples of hijrah quotes for your social media updates like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp.

Hijrah comes from Arabic which means leaving, moving or moving away from. When associated with the meaning of hijrah at this time, it is a condition where a Muslim has moved from bad habits, sins or forbidden things to something better and certainly worth worship and ordered

It can be concluded that the actual meaning of hijrah generally means moving from a bad state to a good condition or from a good condition to a better condition. This means that the hijrah process is not one time, but will periodically and continuously improve.

iweblogsite is trying to write a few motivational words for you, so you can help encourage those of you who are still in the process of migrating. Always remember that every servant has sin, and every sinner is given the opportunity to repent and change in a process called hijrah.

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Quotes Hijrah Muslimah

hijrah quotes

DEAR my friends who are currently Hijrah, keep trying to improve themselves and don't feel satisfied with our current condition. Love you all!

Istiqomah, firmly standing against the temptations of immorality and continuing to move to improve themselves is one of the characteristics of servants whom He loves

Hijrah and Istiqomah sometimes make us abandoned by people we love. Believe me, it is a test, God will replace it with someone who is more right to fill our lives.

The greatest strength is those who survive hijrah, improve their situation and behavior

Dear ukhti, your real Hijrah is not just your appearance and status update, but proceed to the Muslim person who is blessed and keeps his honor.

For Muslimah, keep your honor always. Never be tempted by the fake love song the man who has not dared to invite you to marry

A woman who is hijab is certainly not a sin-free angel. But she is in the process of becoming a dream Muslim road to Jannah

True Muslimah will not spit face on social media. Come on, invite your friends to move together. Because Jannah is not just for you, right?

Hijrah for Muslimah is a journey that is beautiful but full of twists and turns

Quotes Hijrah Muslim

Who says that Hijrah for men is easy? Full of challenges with winding roads. While you are hoping for His promises, they are all easy to live by, amen

Take care of you and invite your other friends to Hijrah.

Enjoy every process of change in yourself when you Hijrah. Never see the past again, focus on the future and make today better than yesterday

The hijrah man looks sunnah, lengthens the beard and does not smoke

Characteristics of men who are hard to find are those who love mosques, fear of adultery and always wet their eyes because they cry to God

There is no honor for a man except self-respect and lower his views on the opposite

Fight, be on the road of Hijrah and remain Istiqomah is one way to get His heaven

The man who matters is pious, responsible and visionary

A man who Hijrah, it is very difficult to be istiqomah if he continues to get old friends who are immortal. Move and find a friend who guides you to His heaven

A real man is not seen from his intelligence to speak, but he is seen from the extent to which he fulfills the mandate and does not bring down the honor of man.

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Quotes Hijrah Teen

Never love someone who does not love God. Because he left God alone, what else do you do?

Forgive me from the past, still wallowing in the sin of dating.
Now as much as possible I try to move from ignorant habits to a more obedient person.

The best teens are those who migrate and improve themselves for the better

Better taaruf than have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Hurry up to get married to avoid the sin of adultery and dating

Teenagers must be taught religion. Teach the best migration process for life. They will transform into the best adults

Parents are the best example for their children. Make yourself migrated, turning teenagers into children of faith and religion

Never feel best when Hijrah. Be a teenager who continues to improve and enjoy the process

Striving to change yourself, giving the best and being beneficial to the people around us is the essence of the real hijrah

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